Dennis Escolástico-Ortiz successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the population genomics, genotype/microbiome interaction and functional diversity of the bacteria associated with the moss Racomitrium lanuginosum.

Dennis started a postdoc at Natural Resources Canada. We hope the best for Dennis !
Our lab has three new members. For the summer, we have the visit of Ève Gaubert from Université des Sciences et Technologies de Bordeaux (France). Eve will spend a month in the lab working on the cycad microbiome. In addition, Katy Lemay (Université Laval) will join the lab for the summer. Katy was awarded the prestigious NSERC Summer fellowship to learn about microbiome research and lichen biology! Welcome !

In addition, our long-time collaborator Gabriel Peñaloza-Bojacá was awarded a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship from the FRQNT. Gabriel has extensive experience in systematics, phylogenomics and recently microbiome research. Gabriel has participated in several high profile studies (for example see this). Gabriel is an emerging authority in bryophyte systematics, especially our dear hornworts.
Welcome Gabriel !