Juan Carlos Villarreal A. 
Ph.D. University of Connecticut, 2011
M.Sc. Southern Illinois University, 2005
B.Sc. Universidad de Panamá, 2003
– Accepting students interested in graduate research
– Highly competitive internal funding available
– Other sources of funding at the provincial (Québec) and Federal level
– We are looking for a motivated candidate to jointly applied for a postdoctoral position on cycad genomics.
Research professional and postdoctoral associates
Gabriel Peñaloza-Bojacá
Dr. Gabriel Peñaloza-Bojacá
Lichen woodlands microbial genomics and phyllosphere of tropical plants.
Graduate students
Philip Bell-Doyon
Philip Bell-Doyon
Caractérisation de la diversité biologique et chimique associée aux écosystèmes forestiers boréaux intacts
Adriel Sierra
Adriel M. Sierra
Assessing habitat disturbance impacts on plant demography, genetic structure and phyllosphere microbiota
Laura Hjartarson
Laura Hjartarson
Characterization and function of biological soil crusts post-disturbance in Quebec’s boreal forest
Undergraduate students
Université Laval
Universidad de Panamá/ Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Doctoral students
Anthony Piot: Evaluating the effect of natural loss-of-function nuclear allelic variants on phenotypic variation in North American poplars , Dr. Ilga Porth’s lab (Université Laval)
Enrique Hernández-Rodríguez: Boreal bryophytes, Dr. Nicole Fenton’s lab (UQAT), 2018-
Master students:
Catherine Chagnon: Université Laval, Québec, 2018-2020. Lichen diversity in a changing North.
Adriel Sierra: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Brasil. 2017- 2018.
Research associate
Jean Gagnon: Herbier Louis-Marie, Université Laval); Lichen and bryophyte diversity
Jean-Phillipe Bellenger (University of Sherbrooke) : Nitrogen fixation in cryptogams
Ariadna Bethancourt (Universidad de Panamá): Fungal diversity of cycads
Rita Bethancourt (Universidad de Panamá): Bacterial and fungal diversity of cycads
Michael Calonje (Montgomery Botanical Garden): Cycad chemical networking
Alexander Culley (IBIS,Université Laval): Arctic virus ecology
Christine D. Cargill (Australian National Herbarium): Hornwort systematics
Sahut Chantanaorrapint (Prince of Songla University): Hornwort systematics
Armando Durant (INDICASAT): Chemical diversity of tropical plants
Bernard Goffinet (UCONN): Bryophyte systematics and early land plant genomics
Claude Lemieux and Monique Turmel (Université Laval, IBIS): Organellar genomics
Fay-Wei Li (Cornell University): Hornwort symbiosis and hornwort genomics
Maycol Madrid (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute): Cycad reproductive biology SergePayette: (Herbier Louis-Marie, Université Laval) : Boreal and arctic diversity
Karen Renzaglia (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale): Bryophyte evolution
Claude Roy (Herbier Louis-Marie, Université Laval) : Lichen diversity
Kristin Saltonstall (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute): Cycad population genomics
Noris Salazar (STRI) and José Gudiño : Tropical bryology and symbiosis
Brian Sedio (University of Austin, Texas): Chemical networking
Peter Szövényi (University of Zurich): Hornwort symbiosis and hornwort genomics
Bernard Têtu (Université Laval): Bryophyte diversity
Visitors- Interns
Orawanya Suwanmala, Prince of Songkla University, Hat yai, Songkhala, Thailand. Cánada-ASEAN Scholarships ad Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED). January-July 2021.
Alejandra Castillo Toro, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP), Scholarship. January-July 2021.
- Gabriel Peñaloza, Universidad de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP), fellow. January-June 2019.
- Adriel Sierra, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Brasil. Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP), fellow. January-June 2018.
- Loïc Soumila, University of Montpellier. Stage on the use of CRISPR-Cas9 on Populus. Main supervisor: Ilga Porth January-June 2018.
Lab Alumni
- Dennis Escolástico-Ortiz– Laurentian Forestry Center in Québec
- Sandrine Toupin, Research professional at IBIS (Damase Khasa’s group)
- Loïc Souilla, Lecturer at Laval University
- Rafael Forteza
- Benjamin Villeneuve
- Virginie Bellavance
- Marie-Ève Beaulieu, now working at Louis Bernatchez’s group
- Camille Lavoie, now a master student at Philip Archambault’s group
- Emmanuelle Marchand
- Maurane Bourgouin-Couture, now a master student at Nicole Fento’s group
- Yessenia Guadalupe (STRI)
- Ivan Bigot
- Raphael Bouchard, now a master student at Louis Bernatchez’s group